Do you know your animal totem? I recently discovered mine...
The Elephant! They represent strength, royalty, power and fertility. I'm told the Elephant is here to bring me into a role of teacher, leader and influencer. Perfect! I could use a little help in that department. I've always had a soft spot for ellies - now I know why.
Animal totems, also known as animal guides or spirit animals, are intuitively gifted to you by another person. Mine was given to me by my new friend and animal oracle, Emile of A Forbidden Life. Not everyone is familiar with animal totems, so she kindly agreed to answer a few questions for us...
1. What exactly IS an animal totem?
How I've come to understand animal totems is this: as humans, we are divinely connected to (and a part of) nature. One of the ways nature reminds us of our connection is by offering us animal mirrors through which to see ourselves more clearly. I've discovered that we each have a total of 12 animal spirits connected to our souls - their purpose is to show us how to live life to the fullest, how to be brave with our hearts, and to teach us the art of compassion. Each animal has a certain way to teach us these things, and during sometime in our life, each of our 12 animals is meant to be the foundation of our personal totem - think totem poles from the North American Tribes. When an animal is at the foundation or base of your totem, it's time for you to connect with its wisdom in order to move your life forward and continue your soul's evolution. So - a totem animal is a facet of your soul that's waiting to be expressed!
2. What inspired you to give animal totem readings?
After I fully integrated my current foundational totem, the Fox, my life and business began to flourish in unprecedented ways. I found the love of my life, my work is more fun and profitable than ever, and most days are filled with alternating emotions of gratitude, joy, incredulity, and overflowing love. I want this feeling for everyone! I have the gift of intuiting foundational totems and opening this door for others… and it's FUN! The Fox taught me that in order to thrive in my life, I must make having fun a priority. So I incorporated all the things I love to do: writing, illustrating, researching, teaming up with my hot Tiger husband, and having meaningful, thought-provoking, joyful conversations with people. Done and done! I get emails every day that bring happy tears to my eyes. I know I've found my path - and it's certainly not what I ever expected. There was no "How to be a Spirit Animal Oracle" class at my University ;)
3. How can we connect with and learn from our animal totem?
You can only benefit from your totems when you stand up and ask them to be your teachers. And really, you're getting guidance from yourself - the only compass that can steer you correctly in life. Once you know your foundational totem, I recommend really getting to know it through directed research and fully integrating it into your life before you jump into exploring the other animals in your full totemic makeup. It's amazing what happens when you really embrace your totem! It has changed my entire life, and I've seen it happen to others countless times. It's such an honor and a joy to serve in this process. I'd be thrilled to help you discover yours!
Emile works by donation-only, so you can pay what you can. Isn't that nice? If you email her a recent photo and fill out a short questionnaire, she will intuit your animal and send you a personal totem guide, together with a sweet hand-drawn illustration.
Friends, if you gets yours done, come back here and tell me which animal you are. I'd love to know!
{Images by Emile of A Forbidden Life}