The older I get, the more emotional I become. Has that happened to anyone else? It doesn't take much for me to cry these days. And I'm not just talking sad tears. Happy ones too. I actually enjoy the release and the knowledge that my heart is open, working as it should.
So my question for you:
What was the last movie, television show, or book that made you cry?
My Answer... The movie that last made me full on cry, err sob, or rather heave in uncontrollable spasms, was a little independent film called Hachi. Have you seen it? Ignoring the fact that Richard Gere plays the lead role, I decided to watch it on Netflix one night in bed while Hal was asleep beside me. Without giving it away, it's a beautiful remake of a Japanese film and true story about a dog's undying loyalty to his owner. I cried the entire second half and for an hour after it was done, waking poor Hal up with my hysterics. Dog movies. They do it to me every time.
{Image via Paper Thin Walls}