Any other Radio Lab fans out there? I listened to the episode, Choice, the other day and it got me thinking. They talked about how our generation's college seniors are faced with choice angst. They can't face a world in which everything is available. They're afraid to make a life decision, because walking through one door means other doors slam shut. And I, for one, completely identify.
The podcast referenced psychologist, Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice, Why More Is Less, who argues that our happiness is affected by the amount of choices in front of us. When participants of a university study were faced with a smaller rather than larger array of chocolates, they were actually more satisfied with their tasting.
Too many choices can cause anxiety about missed opportunities and we blame ourselves if our decisions don't turn out as expected. Schwartz recommends we limit our choices and learn how to accept options that are good enough.
Interesting, right? But then again, sometimes, the wrong choices lead us to the right places. What do you think? I'd love to know your thoughts.
{Pre-edited image via Scout}