How was your weekend, friends? We had a blast celebrating Hal's birthday. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a few snapshots of our adventures, but I just had to share more on the blog.

I wanted Hal to wake up somewhere special on his birthday. So the day before, I rented a bed & breakfast sailboat through Airbnb. Her name is Lille Danser, a gorgeous 50' replica of an 1890's Danish revenue cutter, end docked on Bainbridge Island.
When I was little, my parents used to give my me and brother clues to find our birthday gifts hidden around the house. So I tried my hand at some clues for Hal. I gave him 5 throughout the day, leading him to the boat...
1. Pack your pajamas, toiletries too, grab your helmet, vroooom vroooom.
Follow the clues, you're in for a treat, your wife has been sneaky, hold on to your seat!

Head in the direction, where the sun goes down, toward the waters, of the Puget Sound.
Take Alaskan Way, prepare to turn right, you'll see a big sign, for a magical sprite.
This one was a bit confusing, but I was referring to the ferry!

Enjoy the breeze, and beautiful view, when the ferry docks, follow the queue.
The island is small, but your thirst is big, turn left on Winslow, for something to swig.
I stalled by stopping at the market for a bottle of wine so my family could arrive before us.

My parents' pup, Rudy, was loving the salty sea air.

Pull out your phone, for a trusty app, to find the marina, just follow the map.
Park in the lot, I'll lead the way, we've finally arrived, hip hip hooray!
My family was hiding in the cabin and surprised him when he got on the boat.

After our sail, I gave him his final clue...
Wait there's more, one last surprise, let's stay on board, to watch the sunrise.
Happy birthday love, tomorrow you'll be, the cutest 40-year-old, known to me.

We slept like babies with the gentle rocking of the boat and woke up to the sun streaming through our porthole. Tami, our gracious host, provided us with blueberry muffins, yogurt, fruit and french press coffee.
After breakfast, we rode the motorcycle back to Seattle to shower up and meet our friends at the horse races! Then ended the evening with sushi and Jim Gaffigan at the Paramount. It was a birthday for the books!