During the reception, I received a few comments from parents. They loved how we catered our wedding to children. This took me by surprise, because that wasn't our original intention. Entertaining the kiddos was secondary to entertaining ourselves. All the fun and games we provided were there for purely selfish reasons! But of course, we were thrilled to see the littles having just as great of a time as we were.
The Viewmaster table number holders were a big hit with small kids...
And big kids alike.
Instead of a photo booth, we opted for a flipbook booth so we could make our own 7-second mini-movies! The boys at Fliptography shot the film, printed and cut the frames on the spot, and stapled the books into instant party favors. Hal and I did the swirl n' kiss while some of our guests got extra creative, acting out entire scenes.
The vintage percussion instruments leftover from the ceremony were quickly snatched up and put to use. The big band we hired had to leave after dinner, but you wouldn't have known from the jams coming out of these boys and girls!
I adore this shot. Hal was overjoyed when miss Charlotte made him a crayon drawing.
And what's a backyard wedding without lawn games? We placed a few hula hoops, plastic balls and a corn hole set out on the grass. My dad almost built a life size Jenga game, but that bright idea was quickly placed on the bottom of the "I'll get to it if I get to it" list. We did, however, have some giant Pick-Up Sticks which were sadly left inside the house! Although I'm not sure the kids would have known what to do with them. Do they even know what Pick-Up Sticks are?
Let's not forget the tepee playhouse, which I failed to take a single photo in. Doh! Thankfully, my beautiful maids did not.
NEXT WEEK... the MOTORCYCLE RIDE. Vroom vroom!
{Images by One Love Photo}