Remember when I asked Hal if he wanted to do a first look? He wasn't into it. But as you can see, we were convinced otherwise.
Heather and Jon scouted out a sweet spot in a quiet wooded setting on my parents' property. While my bridesmaids were still getting ready, Heather lured me out of the house to sneak up behind Hal, who was waiting for us with Jon. I was giddy with anticipation.
That special light you see near Hal's head? We're pretty sure it was his father. ♥
Only my face is shown in these shots, with uncontrollable giggles, I might add. But Hal's reaction was just as I expected. Calm, cool and collected with a big adoring grin.
My baby ain't 'fraid to show his emotions! You'd think a first look would get all the tears out before the ceremony, right? Wrong. As you'll see in later photos, we're both saps. What can I say.
The 360 degree spin and dress approval!
We're so grateful we had this chance to be "alone" before the hustle and bustle. Seeing each other before the vows didn't take anything away from the ceremony. It saved us time and calmed our nerves.
NEXT WEEK... the lovely ladies and dapper dudes that make up OUR WEDDING PARTY.
P.S. If you like first look photos, here are 9 more.
{Images by One Love Photo}