Inspired by my smile post from last week, I've decided to create a new little series here on the blog, called Get Happy. I hope to share tips and tricks to boost your mood, create a positive thoughts and raise your vibration. I'm a firm believer that happiness is a choice. And sometimes we all need a reminder now and then.
If you remember, one of my goals for 2013 was to get into a regular habit of meditation. It's a well-known fact that taking as little as 5-10 minutes a day to be still in mind and body, lowers stress, blood pressure and anxiety. If you're spiritual, there's the added benefit of connecting with your higher self. But let's face it. It's not easy. My mind always wanders, I start thinking about my problems, and by the time my 10 minutes are up, I'm in a counter-productive negative state of frustration. Does this ever happen to you?
One possible solution is guided meditation. Have you heard of It's a relaxing online audio-visual experience. You can scroll through different nature scenes and choose between a 2, 10 or 20-minute session. Like yoga, when you're actively listening to someone else telling you what to do, it's easier to keep your mind on task. The visuals are so lovely, you don't even need to close your eyes. And they have a free app for on-the-go bliss.
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you meditate? If so, do you find that you're a happier person because of it?
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