My mom gave me a belated birthday gift. A Luna ukulele! Isn't it beautiful?
Ever since I inherited her little red vintage soprano uke, I've been itching for another. One that's larger with a slightly deeper tone. While researching brands, I fell hard for the artfully detailed Luna ukes. Their entire collection is amazing, but the concert-sized Mo'o spoke to me with its cedar laser-etched leaf design. To early Hawaiians, the mo'o (lizards) are a symbol of spirituality and good fortune. Don't you love the changing moon phases on the fretboard?
This particular uke is an acoustic-electric, so I can also plug it in to peform and record. Some fun news... I'm seriously considering making another solo album. One composed entirely of uke tunes. More details to come, but I'm super excited to begin a new musical adventure.
Do any of you play the ukulele? Or would you like to learn?