Do you and your honey write each other love notes? We don't. After 10+ years of togetherness, everything's been said. But I suppose it's less about the words and more about the effort put in to show you care. Here's a fun idea. An entire wall of origami paper hearts. Inside each pocket holds a little love note to be opened and read. Melanie shows us how to make them right here.
Since V-Day falls on a Thursday, will you be celebrating over the weekend? I think we might visit the Seattle Aquarium down by the pier. Neither of us have been and it seems like a nice and warm romantic outing for a cold winter's day.
Have a special weekend, sweetie pies. Enjoy the lovey dovey links...
More pretty paper hearts for the wall.
And cute love letter scrolls.
Drink bubbly with heart-shaped drinking straws.
Stir up some heat with match book valentines.
Find a secret message in a bottle.
Have breakfast in bed with lace heart pancakes.
Show off your gams with DIY heart tights.
Embarrass someone with a giant printable poster.
Serenade your sweetheart with a love playlist.
Say it right with conversation heart sugar cookies.
And some posts of mine you may have missed...
{Pre-edited image via Minted by Melanie Blodgett}