I'm learning cat reiki. Sounds crazy, I know. But before you judge, let me start from the beginning. My little Bailey stopped eating a few weeks ago. She was drinking excessive water and had lost quite a bit of weight. So I brought her into the vet for some blood work and she was diagnosed with stage 2 chronic renal failure / kidney disease.
Although I didn't reveal it here on the blog, I was heartbroken. It was the worst news imaginable in an already emotional year. Should I stop her suffering? Should I give her meds and fluid injections every day for the rest of her life? Will that even help? Will she hate me because of it? My sweet baby was dying.
At the time this was going on, I reached out to my friend, Jess, who told me her own kitty was diagnosed with the same thing a few years ago. And to the shock of her vet, the kidney disease was reversed! I was in awe. How in the world?
Jess told me her secret. Energy healing, taught to her by her grandmother. Most people refer to it as reiki, a complimentary therapy used to treat disease, pain and illness using universal energy and love. I'm fascinated. Now I'm reading all sorts of books on the subject, and Jess shared with me her own personal techniques. I've tried a few sessions on Bailey and she's already eating better. It gives her peace. And it gives me hope.
Have you had a feline friend with kidney disease? Have you ever done energy healing on your pets? If you've been through something similar, I'd love to hear your stories.