I would be more excited for the the weekend, but it's cold, cloudy and sprinkling out. Some August! I'm going to try to make the most of it and enjoy Seafair, Seattle's big annual summer festival. If the skies clear, we want to watch the Blue Angels air show, hopefully from a friend's boat!
I wish for you a happy weekend with plenty o' sunshine! Here are some links for your amusement...
Wild horses couldn't drag me away.
If you have a balcony, apartment dwellers can BBQ!
Rad crossword puzzle wall art for kids.
Doesn't this girl look strikingly similar to Rachel McAdams?
The coolest infinity pool I've ever seen.
Neon green should come back in style.
Want a sneak a peak inside the Mad Men wardrobe closet?
Dreams may become reality if you believe in yourself.
Sofas made up entirely of pillows.
Want to smile?
And some posts of mine you may have missed...
{Image by Richard Thompson III}