It's question time again and I want your answers! Thank you to everyone who has been participating in the past few weeks. I genuinely enjoy reading what you have to say.
Question for you...
(a) What is (or was) your relationship criteria?
(b) If you're in a long-term relationship, did your partner match up?
My answer...
A couple months before I met Hal, I made a list describing everything I wanted in a man so I could manifest him. It was your fairly standard list: makes me laugh, taller than me, dark thick hair, intelligent, kind eyes, loves music, killer smile, adventurous, artistic, big heart, wants children, communicative, and wealthy = added bonus (I felt bad being superficial). Then I met Hal and didn't realize until about 6 months into our relationship, that he met all my qualifications. Err, except for being wealthy. Maybe it shouldn't have been an "added bonus"! ;)
{Images via Love, Obsess, Desire by Katie Turner}