The past couple of Questions For You have been light-hearted and fun. But I'd like to dig a little deeper this time.
My question for you...
What is your ultimate purpose or calling in life?
I personally believe everyone has a dharma, a Sanskrit term which translates into "life mission" or something you were born to do or become. Dharmas can be big or small, not to say a small dharma is any less important. Perhaps you are here to be a nurturing mother to a child who will make a great discovery as an adult. Or maybe you are supposed to play a vital role in our planet's green movement. You might even be here to influence one particular person to make one particular decision that affects a great number of people in the future. They say that the larger the dharma, the greater the obstacles you will have to overcome.
My answer...
I think I was brought to this earth to uplift and inspire others through music, art and creativity. I'm doing this currently on a small scale with my band and this blog, which comforts me to know that I'm on the right path. But there is so much more I see myself doing in this world, which is why I feel my purpose in life is just beginning to unravel itself. My life ain't seen nothin' yet! ;)
P.S. If you have no clue what your purpose in life is, I once read about a simple way to narrow it down. Ask yourself the question and write on a piece of paper whatever pops into your head. A short phrase or a couple of words will do. Keep writing until you come up with an answer that profoundly moves you, maybe even makes you cry. This is your purpose.
{Image via Lethhanna}